Saturday, January 12, 2013

I'm back!...and here to stay!

It's been like....2 months since I have blogged. Sorry, all I have is the boring excuse of being busy.Let me fill you in on Triple K Farm news. This promises to be a big year for us, we have a lot in the works right now, and I will do my best to keep you posted.

First, we got a new sugaring arch 2x6 & Mark guarantees me that this will allow us to have a life during, I am not convinced, but time will tell. Mark has been working the last two weekends to install it. He & his right hand sugar man (Tony) are laying the fire brick as I write this. Last weekend K3, myself , and K1's boyfriend split sugar wood both weekend afternoons. Then I came down with the flu...that put me out most of the week.

This morning started out fast & furious. Chores, clean barns, and loaded recycling, this was before 9 am! Then the shearer came & sheared all the girls, did their feet, and they received their CDT shots.I know it seems cruel to take all their wool mid winter, but there is a logical reason. We are expecting lambs in the beginning of February. Without their wool, I can monitor their progress easier. I can actually find their udders (and so can their lambs!), watch them grow, and sometimes feel the babies move (super cool!).


and after....


  1. Glad you are back! The Littles are excited about sugaring!

    1. We are excited for the Littles to visit the sugar shack...maybe gather a little sap :)
