Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sap, Sap & More Sap!

Well it's official, sugar season is in high gear & sap is running like crazy. Days & nights are starting to blur, but here's a recap.

We boiled & gathered on Tuesday.We took my nephew  Q to gather with us. He spends Tuesdays  with his Meme.Most Monday nights he comes with my brother on the 6 wheeler for a quick visit.I told him we would bring him to gather, like we did last Tuesday, if he took a nap. Well, I guess after lunch my sister in law was looking for him & he said he was in bed. Think he wanted to make sure he took his nap so he could go. We head down to the sugar woods & start gathering. Q is like the dogs takes off running through the field & we have to call the 3 of them back (Q & the dogs). Then he likes to play with sticks & ride on the four-wheeler. He  got his gloves wet reaching in the bucket to get out the ice, then he wore K3's gloves - got them wet the same way, and ended the day with mine. He is quite a boy! We love him, he makes us laugh!

We gathered 220 gal sap on Wednesday & 350 today! My sugarmaker is busy! Think we are up to having made 17 gal.of all fancy syrup. That was before tonight.

Barn update- Mark spent the day jack hammering the curb. K3 helped move all the concrete & Leo did a great job cleaning.

Lambs & mama's are doing great! Looks like K3's show sheep Addison is going to lamb. I wasn't sure if she was bred, but she is bagging up, so looks like more lambs soon.  Here's a peak at all the cuteness we have!

1 comment:

  1. Love the lambs! They are so adorable. I love dark lambs.

    What does the sap taste like? I saw somewhere, maybe here, someone drinking it. And do you sell your syrup?
