I don't even know where to start...I guess with Miss Miley. Last week the dogs had to go out at midnight & they took off. I called them & called them, I actually fell asleep on the couch waiting for them. Finally, after 1/2 hour they came in. The next morning when Miley got up I noticed her limping, so I checked her feet (remember Carter cut his pad last month, happy to say he is completely healed).Found nothing & off she went, she was fine. 10 o'clock that night K1 comes in our room & asked what happened to Miley. Well, apparently she cut her leg right near her shoulder, and she had licked it wide open- like peeled the skin back a good inch. She must have cut it on her midnight outing & then made it worse. It was now a 24 hr cut - too late for stitches (or so I thought!).We got out the vet wrap,antibiotic ointment, and duct tape. We did that for a day 1/2 then her leg swelled. Friday am I called the vet as soon as they opened and they had one opening @ 2:00. Turns out they can stitch it, so we had to leave her, they put her out , and we picked her up a few hours later. I won't even tell you what Marks face looked like when he got that bill! Miley was so pathetic, all drugged and sad with the cone. Now she is running into everything with her cone head, but that doesn't stop her!

We also found out K1's car will not pass inspection, due to a rotten frame. Now we have till May first to find a car. After 1/2 a day of car shopping (which we really didn't have time for) I got a new to me car & K1 has my car.
We successfully moved the meat chicks out to pasture & what an ordeal that was. First we moved the canopy & set up the fence-
Then we loaded the chicks in 2 loads to move them-
Happy Chicks-
We also moved the cows to the pasture @ the new barn. Mark says its sad when your whole herd fits in a two horse trailer. The cows are very content in their new space. A big thanks to Leo & Arlene (best landlord ever!) for fixing the fence.
We have been plugging away at the barn, it's totally painted & ready to start building pens.
That's all for now - I gotta go to work (can't wait for school to be done!)
I'll leave you with a few signs of spring :)
My raspberry bushes ..
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