Sunday, September 15, 2013


Everyone need words of encouragement. If you are a follower of my blog you will know that this farming adventure has had its share of ups & downs. Besides our love and belief in farming we've had lots of encouragement & support.

I am encouraged every time children visit the animals at the barn. The look of wonder & excitement they have. Then when we tell them that they can actually go in and pet the animals, that's a whole other level of excitement. Or the child that is afraid of the animals at first & I go in the pens with them and eventually they overcome their fears & love petting the animals. Many people tell me the petting barn is a wonderful opportunity for kids.

Here's some of my favorite comments:
"It's nice & clean in here"
"Your animals are so happy & healthy"
" I love what you do"
One little girl called it "The Fun Farm"
Many parents jokingly ask for a cot for their child because they don't want to leave.
My favorite was on opening day this little child asked K3 "how old do you have to be to work here?"
I also love children learning new vocabulary- picture a 3 yr old saying alpaca & chinchilla.

Our meat & poultry shares have also been a big hit.   I have been told we have THE BEST: bacon, pork chops, hamburg & chicken. My friend told me her husband said it was the best chicken he eaten & she said he's eaten a TON of chicken in his life :)

As for support I have the absolute BEST family & friends! 
Many have purchased CSA shares, buy eggs every week, or spread the word to others.
Leo & Arlene (best landlords ever) have been so supportive, starting with believing in our crazy farming idea!
My BF Lisa, sent me a letter of encouragement early on that I treasure.
I have to mention Sharon, my coworker for 7 years. She listened to all my farming ideas for years & trust me there were many. She told me I would eventually find my niche and I did!

I love you guys & THANK-YOU!


  1. I have some of your Syrup clear out in Colorado. Yum. We will order more when we run out :) Great Stuff! (although hubby loves that fake stuff, I am converting my daughter to a lover of the real stuff)
