Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Eating Locally

I got the inspiration for this blog while eating my lunch: Leftover turkey (triple k farm of course!), and impossible apple pie for dessert (apples from the Simonds homestead & my mom's recipe) and realized a few things. First, it's a good thing I physically work. I think I would be over weight given the calories I eat if I sat at a desk all day, not to mention insane. Don't get me wrong, desk jobs are  ideal for some people and I am not criticizing them, they are just not for me. Secondly, I do a fair job trying to eat locally. Obviously it helps that we raise our own meat. Looking at our CSA packages I realized we eat more than a family meat share & poultry share. That's easy to do when all I have to do is go to the farm & go "grocery shopping".

One thing that really helps me is to plan my meals, and I try to do two weeks worth. The thought behind that is we don't eat the same thing as often and hopefully I can only go grocery shopping every two weeks. Last week I cooked a large ham. First we had ham & potatoes & green beans, The next night was mac & cheese with ham, after that was grill cheese with ham & soup. Not to mention ham sandwiches for lunch. I finally had to freeze the rest in serving size portions for another day!

This week was a 16 lb Turkey. Monday was a thanksgiving like feast. Tuesday was family spaghetti dinner. Tonight we are having salsa chicken turkey casserole. Tomorrow will be turkey & biscuits. By than we will be all turkeyed out!The rest will go in the freezer.

Next year I WILL plant a garden & freeze and can much more. We were buying raw milk but I admit it was a lot of work (special trip to the farm, washing all the milk jars). I need to make an effort to get back to that. If farmer Mark gets his way we will have our own milk cow eventually.

I would love to hear ways you make an effort to eat locally. I would also love any recipes using maple syrup
(we have lots of that) or meals with eggs (again I have a close source :)

Now I need to get going, it promises to be a busy weekend.  Fun Day @ the farm !!!!


  1. what's salsa chicken/turkey casserole?

  2. Layer of rice, chicken, salsa & cream soup & sour cream, shredded cheese- super yummy. I will send you the recipe.
