Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sensitive Boys

 Here is my favorite picture of Radar (& K3). When we first got him he was scared of Everything! Walking him to the pasture was a challenge. He is much stronger than he looks. The first time we led him, he dragged Mark. Now we can lead him easily. If there's something new like a tractor or puddle in his path, he will hesitate but go- no problem. On Sunday, K1 and Jakob went to get in Radar & Griz (the pony). They couldn't catch them. Typically, they come right up to Mark & I. K1 came back in the barn & Travis went out to help them. He caught Radar, but he took off and dragged Travis in the mud. So, I go out there. I try treats, talking to him, catch the pony, but nothing works. He's afraid. He will very hesitantly take the treat from my hand,but when I reach for his halter he runs away. We go back in the barn. Wait a few minutes & finish chores than Mark & I go out. Mark catches him. This is the normal routine (Mark takes him & I lead Griz) and what he is comfortable with. Note to self - no one else tries to catch Radar. This whole ordeal took about 1/2 hour extra time.

Then we gather sap & boil. We ended up making a gallon of Golden Delicate aka Fancy! We know it's going to be cold, so Mark wants to drain the pan in the morning. We go in the house & Mark tries his little water pump to see if it works. I open the door to let in the dogs, just as he tries the pump. Carter hears the noise & runs. Here's the deal with Carter.Several years ago we replaced our roof. The sound of the air compressor & the banging on the roof terrified him. Now,whenever the air compressor runs he hides, typically in a closet, under the desk, or in the barn if he is outside. Apparently, this sounded like the compressor. We take a shower & I try to call in Carter. Thinking it's been 1/2 an hour he should be ready. Nope! I ask K1 to go get him, since she is dressed. After 10 minutes I get dressed & go out. He is hiding under the sap tank at the sugar house. We try treats, if we grab his collar he frantically pulls away. I don't want to traumatize him, plus he's 90 pounds & that's a long way to drag him to the house. We use the other dogs as bait  "Miley your a good girl! " and feed her treats. Any other time we give the other dogs attention he run right over to steel some for himself. He always comes when called, except when he is scared. I finally start running around the wood pile, shaking the treats, and calling to Miley & Carter. This is 10 at night, I'm in my pj's, running around like an idiot.He follows us to the house. Miley & I run up the stairs & he runs back to the sugar shack. UGH! We give up & go to bed. Miley keeps pacing, she doesn't like Carter outside.  I wake up at midnight & go out to get him. He comes, when I call him, but hides under the steps. Well, at least were closer! I get a leftover piece of pizza. I feed him little pieces & lure him up the steps, than he turns around & hides underneath. I try several times. Finally, I wake up Mark. He grumbles, swears, and grumpily gets up and dressed. We go outside and he squats down & sweetly talks to Cater. Oh, I love this man and his big heart! I lure Carter up the stairs with the pizza, and when he gets to the top, I grab his collar. Mark is behind him and pushes him. We get him in the DOOR! He's fine,  lays down & doesn't go outside until noon on Monday. We will never run a pump in the house again!

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