Thursday, September 20, 2012

Monday Madness

Monday we go to K3's game & she is the goalie. This is her first year & she is doing great! We come home do chores, eat dinner, and watch TV. Miley is outside on the porch barking like crazy. I get her in, and think nothing about it. Half & hour later I go into the laundry room to finish the laundry & hear Dora whinny twice. I head for the door & tell Mark "something is wrong....Dora never whinnies." We grab our flashlights, boots,and make sure to leave the dogs in.

Well, on the lawn is Dora, Little Man (the big beef) who was suppose to be in my freezer but we decided he needed a few more months, and Buddy (the herford steer). OH GREAT!!! Guess that's what Miley was barking at.  The barn gate is wide open. Mark, obviously never latched it! I open the door & ask K1 who is doing homework to help. K2 is already in bed, K3 is in the shower.

Mark locks the other animals in the coral, so he can leave the barn gate open & nobody else will get out, with the hopes that they will just walk back into the barn. HA! I grab grain & a lead rope. I walk right up to Dora & lead her back to the barn. Mark thinks he can herd the cows to follow her. WRONG!

K3 gets out of the shower & lets the dogs out. This is not helpful because they will just scare & chase the cows where we do not want them to go. We get the dogs back in. The cows are close to the pasture so K1 runs to the barn & shuts off the fence. Next, K1 is on a mission for new batteries because of course ours are dying.  Mark lowers the wire & we herd them into the pasture, put back up the fence, and turn it back on. Maybe we can leave them there for the night?

Here comes the ram (Dave) to investigate, now we remember they can't be together because they fight. Off they go into the darkness. Meanwhile, for all those who have seen Mark in stress full situations, know what a joy he is. He is barking out orders, yelling that we did this & that wrong....K1 & I just ignore him & remind him several times that actually this is his fault.....he left the gate unlatched.

Somehow Dave chases Little Man thru the fence & into the chicken pasture. Now, he is after Buddy. He is chasing him toward the coral gate. Mark opens it, keeping Dora and the other animals inside while Buddy runs thru. Two down one to go.

We go over to the chicken pasture & Little man jumps back out onto the lawn. He runs down the driveway, somehow Mark manages to cut him off before he gets to the road. I think Little Man is as stressed with the situation as we are, so he just calmly walks back into the barn. We shut & LATCH the gate.

This ordeal lasted about an hour. Once inside Mark apologies for his behavior but states we are not good at chasing animals. I laugh and again remind him he caused this, and that I had my animal (horse) in within 5 min and no problems. His animals (the cows) were the difficult ones. Now that everyone is back in their place we can finally go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! My name is Charlotte and I live nearby (in Brandon) and saw your lovely sign, advertising eggs. My BF and I drove up your driveway to inquire, but it looked like nobody was home. Wrote down your phone number but I don't like to bother folks via the phone unless they tell me it's OK. What's the best way to get your eggs? :)

    I really like your blog and will be subscribing! It's so nice to see local families working on becoming more sustainable. Sounds like you're having many adventures! This entry made me giggle. I'm glad everyone got in OK.
