Seriously, You can't make this stuff up (sheep, part 1)
Fall of
2009: K3 decided she wanted to show sheep, not just any sheep but natural
colored Romney sheep. We couldn't find any locally so we ended up driving to
Maine to buy two sheep. Crazy, I know! At first glance sheep seem cute &
fuzzy...not always the case. I unloaded Raquel from the truck & she took
one look at Carter (our 80 lb chocolate lab mix) and went ballistic. I went in
the direction of the barn running along trying to hang onto her while she was
jumping as high as my shoulder. She frantically ran into the barn & SMACK!
right into the 2 x 4 gate. She was bleeding from the nose & we were both
stunned. Welcome home, Raquel!
A few weeks
later the sheep had settled down. Carter
was very interested in them & really wanted to play. One day while Mark was
in the barn he decided to let Carter in. While, Raquel took one look at him and
charged flattening poor Carter. A dazed Carter stood back up & Raquel went
to charge again, but Mark stopped her. Guess we don't have to worry about the
dog scarring the sheep, we have to worry about the sheep scarring the dog!
Spring 2010 K3 and I needed to catch the sheep and
move them to a new pasture. Raquel was being quite challenging running away
from us, despite trying to lure her in with grain. I dove for her & caught
her around the neck, but this didn't stop her. She dragged me a few feet and
somehow managed to step on my hip giving me quite the bruise. Needless to say I
was determined and didn't let go, and we managed to move the sheep. This is
when I started calling her The Beast!