Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Sampling @ Triple K Farm

Weekend Sampling @ Triple K Farm

Get home from work Friday afternoon, and decide to trim adult ewes hooves, all 7 of them. Mark catches  & flips them. I trim their much too long hooves and for this good deed I am rewarded with blisters on four fingers. Next, we load up my nieces two sheep (that have been here all winter) & trailer them home. After dinner K1, K3, and I paint the sign that my awesome husband made for us.

Sat morning we set up temporary fence on the lawn (I think lawns in the USA are the biggest waste of land &  fuel that is used for mowing the lawn) Then we catch & load 15 lambs to transport from the barn to the lawn.

 After the lambs are moved, I go with my sister to plant flowers on Mom's grave ( I miss her). Come home to split sugar wood in preparation for next spring. Now, we take the dogs for a walk @ Mark's parents to check how the hay is coming & give them some exercise. Home to do chores & off to family b-day party.

Go to bed @ 11 while K3 &  friends go to lock in chickens...K3 comes in to tell me she accidentally shut their door when she did chores, so 1/2 were locked out and roosted under chicken tractor...she could not get then in. I was tired & we have forgotten to shut them in many times in the last 2 years since we've had chickens so I said "just leave them." Now it is 1 am & I am woken by a noise...kind of sounds like a distressed chicken so I go to open window & listen for several minutes...nothing,  back to bed. This wakes up hubby " what are you doing?" I explain how chickens were left out & then we hear noise...we jump up & Mark tells me to get flashlight while he loads his gun because he hears the distressed chicken noise & knows it's out in meadow. He  pops out screen and shoots @ a fox. We run outside to evaluate the situation. No fox...two dead chickens. We spend 1/2 an hour getting in the rest of the chickens because we don't want any more fatalities. An hour later we are back to bed...

Sunday a.m. we move chickens (like we do every weekend). 

 K 3 makes us pancakes with (Simond's Sugar Shack) maple syrup for mother's day. I clean the house while Mark cleans the cow barn. We work in garden, hang finished sign, and girls make dinner. Chicken dip, stuffed shells, and asparagus from our garden. Life is sweet!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! The chickens!! How did K3 handle it?? I love the sign!! I miss Grandma too!!
