Thursday, May 17, 2012

Seriously, You can't make this stuff up (horses)

Seriously, You can't make this stuff up (horses)

2003 I finally talked Mark into getting a horse...for the girls  of course! We bought a beautiful Arabian named Deirdre. The first summer we had her we didn't have money for a saddle, so we rode bareback. One day I was cantering around the lawn when suddenly, I Knew I was going over her front shoulder. I hit the ground head first (stupid me had no helmet). K1 comes running over, she was eight years old. Crying & screaming because her horse is loose. REALLY!!! I am literally for the first and only time in my life seeing stars. I take her by the shoulders & tell her to go get her dad. While she is doing this I walk over to Dee who is about 20 feet away happily munching grass. Guess we know her priorities.

Fast forward to 2007, we now have 3 horses (one for each girl). My nephew gets married, and my good friend who happens to be a hairdresser does my hair. When she does an updo your hair never moves thanks to lots of bobby pins & hairspray. We had a great time  & lots of fun with the captain.  6 a.m. the dogs bark, and then the phone rings. Our neighbor  tells us that our three horses just ran down the driveway & were heading  down the road. Guess that's what the dogs were barking at! You can just imagine what I looked like running down the road in my pj's with crazy hair (I removed the 50ish bobby pins before bed, so now it's just a mess) far behind the very fast running horses. Thankfully, it was early & only a few people saw me. Mark is smart & follows in the truck. I finally catch the horses just before they reach Route 30 .Now,  I have one in each hand & the third is following behind. I am walking them through the tall grass next to the road. The grass is very wet causing my bottoms to keep slipping down, but my hands are full. So, now I am the crazy lady with very bad hair, in her pj's, with plumber's crack  and out of breath!

R.I.P. Dee- Dee  (1987 -2010)...we will never forget you, you were the BEST horse!

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