Thursday, June 28, 2012

Escapee of the week

Just like employee of the week, here @ Triple K Farm we have escapee of the week.Actually,this week we have two, since apparently the work as a team:

We moved the lambs onto the back lawn next to the house (sustainability blog). They seemed less than pleased (even though our lawn had a month of growth), and were quite vocal about it! They had been pastured next to the adult sheep, so I think they were a little upset about being taken away. The next morning I awoke to what I thought was someone knocking at the door, but the dogs weren't barking so must be I was dreaming...or it was the sheep!
You might be a redneck if..........

Later, when we came back from family dinner night the lambs were making quite the ruckus.Mark who always manages to beat me to bed, asks me what their problem was. I grab a flashlight & go check on them. Perfect, it's raining!, but I found the answer to all the noise. One section of the fence is almost down & one escaped. Now, he is pacing the fence wanting to join the others and they were all calling back & forth to each other. I get him in & then I am off to bed.

The next morning I awake to Mark telling me the lamb fence is down and he doesn't see them. Great! I look out the window, they are not by the other sheep, not in the garden ???? We throw on our boots get outside and....they are all in the pasture. 

A few hours later I am heading out the door to a doctors appointment. There are two loose sheep. I wake up K3, telling her I have an appointment and do not want to smell like wet sheep (which is as bad as wet dog!). While she is getting up I walk to the barn to get grain. The white one follows me so I open the gate & he goes in with the calf. K3 & I corner the black one & it plows through the fence, gets a little tangled, but we help it. K3 goes back to bed & I leave.

Hours later I come home. The two sheep are crying back & forth to each other. I feel bad, so I get the white one & put him back in with his friend. Seriously, five minutes later they are both out.
This is how the rest of my afternoon goes.K3 and I put them in, attempt to fix/barricade the hole, minutes later they are out. Finally, Mark gets home & we move them to a new pasture,and they are much happier....So Far!


  1. At least they don't go too far when they get out :) They just make lots of noise!

    1. If only they knew that is how they get caught! If they were quiet we wouldn't notice.
