Saturday, July 14, 2012

Barn Attire

When picturing barn attire I am sure Carhartts &  boots come to mind. Well, here at Triple K we have our own barn fashion.

Muck Boots are our number one fashion accessory. They go well with pajamas, bikinis, and occasionally skirts.  Regardless of the season you will find me most mornings in my pj's doing chores. Since, I am the number one photographer in this family, unfortunately thank god!, I have no pics to post of this. I have also been known to slip on my boots while in dress clothes/skirts to run to the barn for a quick check. My other accessories are a pair of chewed on Dansko clogs (thanks Miley!), and a very old work coat that was Marks (he outgrew 15 years ago). K2 (non farm girl) tells me I look like a hobo & smell like an animal when I wear this coat all winter long.

K3 rocks the bikini & boots. This is one of my most favorite pictures:

As you can see it was taken many years ago. Now, I am not allowed to take pictures of her, but just like her pink boots in this picture matched her bikini, her current black muck boots match her black stripped bikini.

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  1. Why do they have to grow up so fast? Mine are into black stuff too. I am a computer dummy so how do I become a follower?

  2. Ok, so I saw somewhere on here that to become a follower to click on the to follow and create an account. I did something and now it's on my blog. What did I do wrong?

    1. Wish I could help you, but I am new to this also!!! You should be able to just click on be a follower & use your Google account or make one. What is your blog??

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love, love, love, that picture of K3. It's my favorite.

  5. My blog is Come on over and visit! I love company. I'll go try to figure this out too. I was going to try to post on the barn hop and got to a certain point and then nothing. My kids now, they can just get right on here and do it. Not me!
