Saturday, March 2, 2013


So, I know you all are thinking I lost my mind. Why would she get rabbits? What is she going to do with alpacas? Doesn't she have enough mouths to feed already?

Well Folks, I assure you there is a reason....we are opening a petting barn!!! Mark your calender Our Grand Opening is scheduled for June 22.

Here's our story: Mark & I have been wanting & planning our farming future for 3 long years. We've hit a lot of roadblocks. Finding land and/or a barn being our biggest hurdle. We've been disappointed numerous times, due to misrepresentation / miscommunication, property just out of our price range, or sold before we could get everything lined up. Mark kept saying, "we just need someone to give us a break". Leo & Arlene Lamoureux have given us our "break". We are renting their barn & pasture. They have been so wonderful, helpful, and supportive.

It's going to be GREAT...we will have a farm store to sell our syrup, eggs, and house our pasture raised meat/poultry CSA (still have a few spots left....). We will have a party room to book your favorite kiddos birthday party. Lot's of great animals to entertain all ages.  A play barn complete with sensory table for the little ones.We want to provide good old fashioned fun!

I have been working in the early education field for many years. I am currently working in a kindergarten classroom. People think Vermont and just assume it's a bunch of farm kids...not the case. Many children have not experienced the pure joy of holding a newborn chick, cuddling a sweet baby lamb, or feeling the soft fur of a rabbit or alpaca. I see a need to provide these experiences to children.

The barn we are renting was a milking cow barn. We are completely remodeling it.

This is what it looked like.
Andy jack hammering the curb.

Mark cutting out the stalls.
K3 & I removed the gutter cleaner the first day we worked, while Mark worked on some stalls. Today,  Mark & Andy removed the rest of the pipe line, cut out all the stalls, and  removed some of the curb until the rental jack hammer  BROKE (super frustrating!!!)  I was the clean up crew & camera girl!

I promise to keep you updated on our progress and take lots of pic!!


  1. I can't wait!! It's on my calendar!!

  2. Wow, those are big plans! And sounds like a lot of work for everyone. Good luck. And can't wait to see the progress. How far is this barn from your home?

  3. The barn is a mile from our home....perfect :)
