Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Meet the Littles!

This ewe is named Anna. She is number one, the very first lamb born on Triple K Farm! One morning in January I went out to the barn & she was standing outside in a snow bank next to her white mama Cloey (yes, Hearts mama). We bought Cloey bred, so we have no idea what Anna is, except original. When we shear her she looks like a goat. Anna was a very large baby & grew really fast.

Last year, was her first time  lambing & she plopped them out no problem. They were so tiny, like 5 lbs compared to out typical 10 -12 lb lambs. We thought they must be early. Even though they were small they were healthy & rumbustious. We call them peanut & tiny A (cause she looks like Anna).

Monday morning I go out to the barn & once again Anna plopped out, with no problem 2 tiny ewes.  We call them THE LITTLES! My niece wanted a lamb named after her. Well, we had planned on naming Anna's lambs after her & her husband, because their last name is Little, but Anna had 2 ewes. So we had to improvise.....Christa & Travanna! My niece Lily (who is 6) said the one with white should be Travanna, because Travis had gray hair (sorry Travey!)
Rubbing noses!

See how tiny!



Myra is even BIGGER if that is possible . Her belly is lopsided & she is waddling when she walks , which isn't much. Today, is her due date since she was a heat cycle later than I thought. Pheobe is also due today. Let's hope all goes well.....